Featured 160-Page Hard Cover Book

About the Book
As part of the Compassion Gallery initiative, we've created a 160-page photo-driven book featuring captivating stories from India and Nepal. Written by founding partner, Ray Majoran, the book highlights stories and photos from Ray's trips to India and Nepal, and serves as the first volume of books and stories to come from Compassion Gallery.

The Question That Each of Us Must Ask Ourselves
Do we see the amazing beauty in the things that God has created, the people He's brought into our lives, the situations He's put us in? Or do we live in a bubble, oblivious to His amazing wonder happening all around us?
On an Air India flight from Visakhapatnam to Delhi, I sat next to a gentleman who had lived his entire life in India. As we got talking, he asked me what I did. I told him that I had been taking photographs in his country, and had been staying in Visakhapatnam for seven days, now on route to Nepal. He asked me if he could see some of the photos, so I got out my computer and walked him through some of the images I had captured in the city and in rural areas outside the city.
His response will be etched into my memory for the rest of my life: "Wow, those are incredible images! It's really not that beautiful there."
It's really not that beautiful there!
Was it possible that my camera had somehow captured some sort of magical illusion, and it really wasn't that beautiful? Had my eyes deceived me, or had I photoshopped the images into something that they weren't? Or, had he simply missed the beauty that was staring him right in the face?

A Crash Course in Compassion
"Reading unOblivious is a crash course in compassion. The pictures, captions, and stories all work together to remind us of the 'pure and undefiled' religion that the church is called to embody. James 1:27 paints a picture of piety—of devotion to God—that is anything but oblivious." - Tom Ward, Advocacy Global