Inspire Others. Care for the Vulnerable.
Looking to give a gift that inspires its recipient, and helps others at the same time?
From now through December 17th, buy one copy of unOblivious and get any additional copies (up to 10 books*) for 50% off.
Book 1 = $80, All other Books = $40 (plus tax)
100% to Charity
Furthermore, 100% off all proceeds from the sale will be donated directly to Advocacy Global, an organization that cares for the most vulnerable, and helps out many of the people in the unOblivious book.
Are you an existing owner of unOblivious?
We are pleased to extend the offer to you as well. We will count your existing book as the one you purchased, making all of the books you purchase (from now through December 17th) at 50% off.
To take advantage of the offer, please complete the form on this page. Upon receipt of your information, we will send you a confirmation email with taxes and shipping rates (if applicable).